Diana Della Iacono

Keeping Visual Arts and Performance Artistry Alive for Future Generations

Diana Della Iacono



Born and raised in New York City, Diana began her career as a hairdresser. She worked all over New York before owning her own salon. An accident years later forced her to sell her business which then lead her to start her family. By then she was married to her husband Anthony, a New York police officer. After raising two wonderful girls, the family moved to Las Vegas in 1990.

The family opened Chicken Quick a favorite among the locals in town. That wasn’t enough for her. Her creative juices needed more.

That is when she became a name in the Interior design community she transitioned her creative side along with her business experience and managed some of the largest interior design showrooms in town. She was instrumental in bringing some of the largest fabric and furniture manufacturers to Las Vegas

During that time she was founding member and served on the board of Architectural and Decorative Arts Society. First as membership director then Secretary, and later President. After over twenty years in the showroom business Diana retired January 2017!

Diana now has time for her family including her three granddaughters and traveling. She may have retired, but she is busier than ever.

Serving as Secretary for Forgotten Song Foundation is what gives her joy! Helping Ann Parenti who she admires more than anyone on earth is her pleasure. Keeping music alive and giving scholarships to art and jazz students is her happy place.

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